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Halal Essential Oil Room Spray Recipe

You will need:

  • 2oz (60ml) glass or aluminium spray bottle (note 1)
  • 1 tsp salts (Himalayan or Epsom) (note 2)
  • 10 to 30 drops essential oil(s) (note 3)
  • Distilled or filtered water


  1. Add your salts to the bottle first, then oil(s). Swirl the bottle to mix.
  2. Fill the rest of the bottle with water. Connect spray cap and give it a good shake.
  3. Label your bottle.
  4. Shake well before each use. (note 4)


  1. You should never store pure essential oil in plastic, however, a room spray with this dilution is very unlikely to react to plastic, particularly PET, so should be safe in a plastic bottle.
    Sunlight can accelerate the expiration of essential oils, so look for a dark amber or cobalt bottle if you are using glass or plastic.
  2. Epsom salts will be easiest to mix, but Himalayan, or even regular table salt, will work.
    Oil and water do not combine naturally, so the salt is there to help the oil mix with the water. You could use an aloe gel instead.
    If you are not halal, 1 tablespoon of odourless alcohol such as Vodka can be substituted for the salt.
  3. The strength of your spray is really up to you. Around 20 drops is a good medium strength. You may want to use more for toilets, pets and tobacco smells, or less to make a light spray for the office.
  4. Although the salts (or alcohol) will help the oil and water in your spray mix easily with a shake, it will separate again when you are not using it. Always give the bottle a vigorous shake before using.